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Online Trademark Registration for Indian Businesses

Do you have your own business and brand?

Are you worried about your business authenticity?

How about getting your business a trademark that will protect the brand identity for any particular design or logo. The wordmark is the smartest way to file your first Trademark application. You can file a Trademark with a logo or apply for terms in a particular format if you find similar Trademarks in your Trademark quest.

If you believe it is difficult to file a Trademark. There are several important things that one has to take care of when applying for registration of a Trademark.

Trademark is a sort of intellectual property that has a particular word, symbol, or name-symbol combination. It lets us recognize and differentiate a brand or a company or its product. Under Indian laws and regulations, a registered trademark may be legally protected.

One has to apply with the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, & Trademark to apply for trademark protection.

To apply for Trademark protection one has to apply with the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks. This office functions under the Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce & Industry. This office works under the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Department of Industry Promotion and Internal Trade.

Let us describe your complete Trademark Procedure:

Trademark search is the very first step towards starting registration. It helps find trademarks identical or similar under the same class. One must finalize a Trademark with a unique identity based on the search result.

First, one needs to be very careful when picking a class when applying. You need to pick a particular class or sector of 45 different classes from the Trademark Registry which you need to sign.

The examiner will review all of the specifics after filing the Trademark application and approve the publication in the Trademark Journal. Any person or entity may oppose the registration of the Trademark in question. If no objection exists the authorization Trademark certificate will be issued with a validity of 10 years.

The registration process for a Trademark is lengthy and a little heavy on the wallet, it is certainly worth the investment to protect the brand legally.

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